We know that trust is an essential part of conducting business. This feeling becomes elevated when dealing with products & services that carry a particular cost or value, such as travel and engaging a company for your travel or holiday plans. We understand this is important. At TRAVLUX, we want to earn your trust, your loyalty and your continued business.
TRAVLUX LTD is registered in England, No. 12854503. This website acts purely as a source of information & communication and does not contain the facility to collect payments, or any other such financial transaction. We may, from time to time depending on the nature of the topic, instruct our guests to visit a co-branded website, www.travlux.notjusttravel.com, where certain booking-related tasks can be carried out if required. More details can be found in our Privacy and Terms & Conditions.
Travel is an essential part of the global economy, whether travelling for business or leisure. In 2019, the number of scheduled passengers who boarded commercial flights reached 4.54 billion people. This figure does not include passengers on charter flights, so the true number of people travelling is even greater. Companies spend vast amounts of money sending employees around the world to conduct business. The general public work hard, earn money and want to spend that wisely on holidays and personal travel. The common interest is that everybody wants to feel protected.
At this time, TRAVLUX operate through our detailed network of suppliers to cover any and all travel elements, some of whom are consumer-facing entities and others which are not. As part of the Not Just Travel (Agency) – and on a wider-scale, the Hays Travel Independent Group – we only trade with reputable suppliers who’s interests align with ours.
The vast majority of our bookings are ‘package bookings’, which contain a combination of air transportation and ground elements. This is the safest way that the travel industry can protect the customer from a failure to deliver. Whilst it is within our right & terms of business engagement to provide individual travel elements which do not form part of a package, we do limit them amount of transactions as such to continually protect the client as well as our trading agreements. If, at a particular time, the supplier must apply administration fees to a booking for an act of service carried out, fees will be passed on to the customer unless we feel that this shouldn’t be the case. TRAVLUX nor Not Just Travel do not actively charge admin fees, unless a voluntary request by the customer occurs, where both parties deem that this is appropriate to do so. In general, fees for the administrative parts of our engagements with the customer relating to arranging travel services are not billable, nor will they be passed on to a customer at any time, unless prior conversation, communication or warning is given in advance of particular tasks being carried out.
Earlier we stated that we want to earn your trust and this is exactly why. Your money is your money. If you choose to engage TRAVLUX, we respect that decision and want to provide the best possible service and experience we can. Before the time of confirmation and collection of deposit, our general Booking Terms & Conditions will be shared with the customer. TRAVLUX expect the customer to digest this information and to voice any concerns, where necessary, prior to the confirmation of booking. Specific booking terms & conditions of the supplier will also be sent with the confirmation.
With our TRAVLUX TRUST policy, we promise that a customer will receive a refund as or where applicable, under the terms & conditions that were stated prior to, and at the time of booking. All financial transactions are completed via our Not Just Travel & Hays Independent Group systems, and not via our own merchant software/system. Therefore, any & all transactions where money is being paid by the customer will present as Not Just Travel on billing. TRAVLUX LTD will only display on financial transactions where cashback promotions or booking incentives are transferred to the customer. The customer will never be asked to pay TRAVLUX LTD directly.
In the current travel-climate, ABTA & ATOL protection are more important than ever before. With this being said, it’s important that we explain the difference and how supply travel products under these licenses.
TRAVLUX LTD are a part of the Not Just Travel (Agency) Ltd, whom sells travel service on behalf of Hays Travel Limited. Both parties benefit from Hays Travel’s membership of ABTA with membership number K9413. ABTA & ABTA Members help holidaymakers to get the most from their travel and assist them when things do not go according to plan. We are obliged to maintain a high standard of service to you by ABTA’s Code of Conduct. As members, your finances are protected in Bonded Accounts until a time where your travel arrangements are underway. Only at this time, do all relevant parties receive their access to the funds and not before. These Bonded Accounts protect you and your finances in case of issues both leading up to, and during your travel.
In the last year, the term “ATOL” has become considerably more discussed in the public domain through the likes of Thomas Cook as well the ongoing pandemic. To discuss this, we first need to explain what ATOL is.
“The law says your holiday must be protected if it is a package holiday” is the opening sentence on the CAA website regarding ATOL. At this time, TRAVLUX do not offer package holidays. Continuing, “The scheme also applies to some flight bookings, usually those where you book flights (including UK domestic flights) but do not receive your tickets immediately”. Depending on the nature of the product or service you are purchasing from TRAVLUX, we immediately ticket your reservation and will provide this electronically as soon as possible. “ATOL is the UK’s financial protection scheme and protects you when you book a holiday with a UK ATOL holder. It will provide support so that you are not at a financial loss or without assistance abroad if your ATOL holder ceases trading”. At this time, TRAVLUX LTD do not hold an Air Travel Organiser’s Licence because all of our bookings are made directly with the airline. In the same sense, if a member of the general public book a flight directly with the airline, they are not ATOL protected. To confirm this, the following statement is taken from the same CAA website: “Please note that ATOL does not apply to flights booked directly with scheduled airlines or to flights booked with airline ticket agents”. Compounded by this statement: “If you purchase an airline ticket from an airline or travel business and you receive a valid ticket in exchange for payment, ATOL does not cover this flight sale”.
ATOL Protection, where applicable, is provided by the supplier in which arrange your travel plans with. The supplier is clearly listed & detailed in both pre-booking & post-booking documents and will be clearly visible on the ATOL certificate presented shortly after booking, when the documents are being processed by our Not Just Travel head office. Whilst we do not hold an Air Travel Organiser’s Licence, our TRAVLUX TRUST policy guarantees that we will do everything in our power to protect your interests and any booking you may have with us.